Screen best candidates for a job and get paid.

Screen a candidate for a given job. If candidate gets hired, you get paid. It's that simple.
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Click on the login button and check if your alma mater is in the list of approved institutions. If your college is not on the list, we are sorry. As we expand our community you’ll be able to join us
How It Works
For Hiring 10x talent
Reveiw Eligibility
Review candidate's eligibility
for the job
For Hiring 10x talent
Screen Candidates
Screen the candidate,
for given job
For Hiring 10x talent
Get Paid
Get paid if your filtered candidate
gets hired
Frequently Asked Questions
What does a filter do?
We recognise that AI alone cannot fully replace the value of human expertise when it comes to hiring. That's where our expert filters come in. They possess a deep understanding of the specific job requirements and the necessary skills and competencies needed to filter a candidate against the given job role. Filter interview screen the candidate against the given job and gives feedback if the candidate is suitable or not.
How exactly do filters earn money, and how much could they make?
How do I become a filter?
"When you see a problem in the world, and perhaps you are the only one who does, take the initiative to be the solution."
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